Summer break for my daughter came. It was August of this year, an exciting month for us to have her at home. While away she said she's been dreaming of tasting once again the chocolate cake I used to bake for her and her sister. She said she tried to look around her place for that same taste that I bake. One time while scouring bake shops in the city for a chocolate cake, she said she came across to this French owned cake shop. To her delight finds their chocolate cake to taste very much close to mine...BUT...according to her my chocolate cake is still the best...ha, ha, ha ...Oh,I love this girl a lot!!! ^_^
And so, I prepared all the ingredients for the Chocolate Moist Cake she requested and I did the mixing of the ingredients with her help. Poured them into muffin pans and bake. I showed her how easy it is to prepare and bake this recipe that she can do it herself too.
Once done and cooled, I frost the muffins with whipped cream, topped each with peaches and lastly sprinkled some chocolate chips and shavings. A couple of hours past and...Voila!!! Her cravings for my cake is over...hahaha....hopefully will last till next summer. :)